Wednesday, September 21, 2011


1 hey why are you on this site cos your fat? that should be all you need to not eat.
2 dont think smell or go near food
3 you can not be to skinny you can be to fat
4 you can not exersise to much
5 you are probably dumb if you are looking at this site

Saturday, September 10, 2011

hiding it tips

1. put a password on your computer
2. dont tell any one
3.  dont get tips on a shared computer
4.  the only time you eat should be when people are around
5. dont ask a friend if they will purge

Monday, September 5, 2011

purging tips

1. chew your food so much that it almost becomes liquid
2. if you cant purge spin fast for 5 minutes while drinking diet coke
3 it will not harm you all that crap about heart attaks and dying its all fake trust me im not dead am i now
4. make sure you do it in private
5. be carefull that you dont get teeth marks on your hand
6. dont eat chocolate, meat or spycy food they hurt when the come up.
7. be carefull how many calories you intake purging only gets up 80 percent
8. dont tell any of your friends even if they promise not to tell
9 when your purging thonk about how much you hate yourself
10 weigh your self before and after you purge